Quote Originally Posted by UBlender View Post
I've been trying. Last time he brought it up, his response was basically the same as the origin of this thread--it's too much church talk and not enough sports. Still, I wish he'd find this place a sanctuary from all the online madness.
Man, I keep hearing this. (I even changed the thread title in response!) Maybe we need to do something more to make the religion threads not jump about at people. We've already taken steps, by moving the "what's new?" button, and we'll probably do more. Maybe we should require some affirmative steps for people to get to those threads? Or maybe there is a way to allow people to ignore certain sub-forums altogether. We'll look into it. (As you can see, I am very generous with U-Ute's time.)

For now, tell ColoUte that he's mistaken. He can ignore all the religion talk by just hitting the "New Posts" button when he gets here and look at the ones he cares about. Tell him we'll give him a signing bonus for showing up here. What will it take? I have a terrific football parking pass that I never use because I can walk to the stadium.