Quote Originally Posted by LA Ute View Post
The Repubs played hardball with the Merrick Garland nomination and they should expect the Dems to do the same now.
The Republicans never had to pay for that little stunt. The crazy thing is they could have easily defeated Garland in a full vote, but they didn't even allow him to come up for debate, let alone a floor vote. One man, McConnell, refused to even let the nomination come out of committee.

But nothing will come of it, because Democrats never play hardball. They always cave in. Most of them will end up voting for this candidate anyway.

This nominee is a huge fan of Scalia. It will be interesting to know whether he is as scholarly and bookish as Scalia, and will even follow precedent and the Constitution to make decisions that he personally dislikes, as did Scalia.

And like Scalia, I am sure he will choose to follow his faith over following the Constitution in certain areas (esp. abortion, LGBT rights).