Quote Originally Posted by Ma'ake View Post
Today, Mike Lee killed McConnell's attempt to pass "Repeal and Replace" in the Senate.

The President then called for a straight repeal, and McConnell seems headed toward a vote to do just that, with a 2 year delay, to allow Congress to start from scratch.

If the Senate, House and Trump simply Repeal, this might backfire, in a thermonuclear way. Republican plans have had polling way below Obamacare, and combined with Trump's steadily eroding support, the job might fall to a Democratic House and/or Senate.

Single Payer, anyone? It's hard to imagine the forces battling that one out, but in numerous ways, we're in uncharted waters, as a nation. The energy that resulted in the Republicans getting the House, then the Senate, then the White House, could easily spurn the current occupants. Just as Bernie Sanders got 15,000 Utah youngsters to show up at This is the Place monument, the equivalent energy on the Left has not yet been heard.

I told the wife in 2004 that Obama would become president. I have fewer tea leaves to go by now, but my super-early, "don't be surprised" call for 2020 is Kamala Harris.
The repubs have had 8 years to figure out a replacement for Obamacare and don't have one. Their failure to do anything about healthcare in the Bush years was the moving force that led to Obamacare. I have a hard time believing they will figure anything out in the next two years. I see this as a way of delaying things to allow the Repubs to talk out of both sides of their mouth and get them past the mid-term elections without facing the tough choices that need to be made.