Quote Originally Posted by jrj84105 View Post
There are a lot of threads on this board that are started as THE 2015 recruiting thread, or THE 2015 football season thread, or THE PAC12 whatever thread. Starting off with definitive threads on the most popular topics basically means committing to having one thread bumped perpetually for a year. I think these definitive threads give this site a very static/stagnant feel.
Hmmm. Hadn't thought of that. What does everyone else think?

The Utehub site has started with the same default of making the activity thread the most prominent interface for the message board. It may not hurt the site now as it launched during football season, so football posts will own the activity thread, but in off season, when off topic posts and arguments prevail, that will lead to the same issues that earned all5ALUFS.com its reputation. Whichever site (UB5 or Utehub) that can move away from the activity stream default by off season may have a leg up with respect to acquiring/retaining new users who won't invest the time to learn ways to circumvent the defaults.
That button has been moved so that new posts is in the upper left -- is that a big enoughh change? "What's new?" is stil the first item in the upper left. Do you think that is a problem?