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  1. Kruschev’s “secret” denunciation of Stalin (2 replies)
  2. Arthur Brooks on contempt (0 replies)
  3. The Steele Dossier (5 replies)
  4. "Obama tears into woke culture and purity tests" (2 replies)
  5. Boris Johnson (2 replies)
  6. Slavery Reparations (1 replies)
  7. 2020 Presidential Race (142 replies)
  8. Brexit (23 replies)
  9. Brett Kavenaugh Supreme Court Nomination (348 replies)
  10. Political/Cultural Chit-Chat (624 replies)
  11. Identity and politics (0 replies)
  12. The 2018 Mid-terms (0 replies)
  13. Cambridge Analytica (1 replies)
  14. Tariff Wars... and rumors of tariff wars (2 replies)
  15. RUSSIA - Will it be a superpower again? (34 replies)
  16. Not even Michael Moore can catch a break ... what a dolt (0 replies)
  17. School shootings (170 replies)
  18. Russian bots (1 replies)
  19. Elementary, my dear Watkins. Utah's new President (5 replies)
  20. Afghanistan (1 replies)
  21. Romney for Senate: Will Utah elect the anti-Trump? (20 replies)
  22. Goodbye Orrin Hatch (4 replies)
  23. The 10 year cyber war (4 replies)
  24. The Pervalanche Thread (including the Jeff Epstein debacle) (95 replies)
  25. GOP tax cuts & young families on the endangered species list (35 replies)
  26. Political cartoons (1 replies)
  27. Roy Moore and Alabama (58 replies)
  28. Life in the Trump Era, Part 2 (1674 replies)
  29. The Russia Dossier (40 replies)
  30. Gold Star Families (24 replies)
  31. George W. Bush Tackles Trumpism Without Mentioning Trump (4 replies)
  32. Technology in politics (0 replies)
  33. Hypocrisy and misbehavior among our elites (7 replies)
  34. Questioning our Assumptions (5 replies)
  35. Really bad political ads (0 replies)
  36. Campus Title IX Investigations. (0 replies)
  37. Solar Eclipse (24 replies)
  38. White Privilege (9 replies)
  39. What About North Korea? (3 replies)
  40. When will the market crash: 2017 edition (32 replies)
  41. "Today’s tech oligarchs are worse than the robber barons" (147 replies)
  42. Massive RNC voter data leak (1 replies)
  43. Dealing with domestic terrorism (24 replies)
  44. Mattis Talks Strategy with the Senate Armed Services Committee (2 replies)
  45. Art and Politics (14 replies)
  46. Coral Sea: 75th of the First Carrier Battle (0 replies)
  47. Russians outfoxed by the ... French!? (0 replies)
  48. The Handmaid's Tale is just like Trump's America? Not so fast (2 replies)
  49. Global Warming (0 replies)
  50. News media bias (8 replies)
  51. Campus Social Justice Warriors (6 replies)
  52. US airstrikes in Syria (45 replies)
  53. US Privacy Laws (2 replies)
  54. The Case For Renewable Energy (10 replies)
  55. How Utah (the state) Thrives (36 replies)
  56. North Korea (3 replies)
  57. Portraits of Courage: A Former President's Paintings of Wounded Warriors (0 replies)
  58. Climate Change (5 replies)
  59. Utah politicians do the darnedest things (34 replies)
  60. Harvard Launches Free Online Class To Promote Religious Literacy (2 replies)
  61. Mr. Chaffetz' Wild Ride (7 replies)
  62. Celebrities and Politics (8 replies)
  63. Orange Defends the Crown: Trump Executive Order Thread (3 replies)
  64. Hill AFB F-35A Lightnings at Rd Flag 17-01 (3 replies)
  65. I am a member of the intellectual, liberal elite – it's time ... (0 replies)
  66. Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court Nomination (110 replies)
  67. Utes at Inauguration. Could it be someone we know? (13 replies)
  68. Commuting Chelsea Manning's Sentence (20 replies)
  69. The Fallen of World War II (1 replies)
  70. Changes to Homeless Shelters in SLC (4 replies)
  71. Millennials in the Workplace (0 replies)
  72. A test at age 3 can predict whether children ... (13 replies)
  73. God Speed John Glenn (1 replies)
  74. Fidel Castro Is Dead (20 replies)
  75. Someone convince me how, over 50 or 100 years, mankind avoids major nuclear war. (1 replies)
  76. Utah state elections thread (2 replies)
  77. Political worldviews - how they differ, evolve, embody our own worldviews, etc (15 replies)
  78. Justice Department announces it will no longer use private prisons (3 replies)
  79. The double-edged sword of technology - and how do we adjust, as a society (5 replies)
  80. This is scary (0 replies)
  81. The ultimate limousine liberal (1 replies)
  82. Police shooting in Baltimore (6 replies)
  83. What to do about China? (7 replies)
  84. The History of Urbanization, 3700 BC - 2000 AD (0 replies)
  85. The Coming of the Third Reich: A 'Revolution of Destruction' (2 replies)
  86. The Conversation About War and Our Veterans We Refuse to Have (0 replies)
  87. A Better War: Creighton Abrams and Vietnam (0 replies)
  88. So, If You Think Utah is Bad, Check out Alabama (2 replies)
  89. Which bathroom should I use? (63 replies)
  90. The Salt Lake Tribune (13 replies)
  91. Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill (16 replies)
  92. Shame on you, Steve M. (15 replies)
  93. The encryption debate (11 replies)
  94. The official "Good bye Justice Scalia, hello chaos" thread (124 replies)
  95. When Mormons weren't White (13 replies)
  96. National Economics: Keynes or Hayek? Or something else? (83 replies)
  97. BYU facing discrimination accusations (115 replies)
  98. An officer down in my neighborhood (129 replies)
  99. Never Change North Carolina... (0 replies)
  100. What to do about political correctness (1 replies)
  101. What to do About ISIS? (189 replies)
  102. An Open Mind (0 replies)
  103. #CoverTheAthlete (0 replies)
  104. What to do about Iran? (42 replies)
  105. Official: 2 U.S. Marines stop Islamist attacker on train in France (0 replies)
  106. A different modesty meme ... (22 replies)
  107. The new prison (49 replies)
  108. "Taking Crenshaw out of the Kid" (0 replies)
  109. 2016 Presidential Election (2596 replies)
  110. Did some looking into the record after a conversation with a co-worker (3 replies)
  111. How railroads, highways and other man-made lines racially divide America’s cities (0 replies)
  112. Some nervous Texans are stockpiling ammo, hiding weapons ‘just in case’ as Jade Helm (13 replies)
  113. Planned Parenthood and Fetal Body Parts (48 replies)
  114. Privilege makes them do it — what a study of Internet trolls reveals (0 replies)
  115. The official Donald Trump thread (65 replies)
  116. New F-35 waxed by old F-16 in test flight. (8 replies)
  117. So what does Utah do when the federal government decriminalizes marijuana? (6 replies)
  118. John Nash died yesterday (1 replies)
  119. The role of the LDS Church in Utah politics (30 replies)
  120. Why do men still exist (4 replies)
  121. Charm City Lacking in Charm - The Baltimore Riots Thread (37 replies)
  122. CEO to Pay All of His Employees at Least $70,000 a Year (3 replies)
  123. Religious expression defending itself with a shield or attacking with a sword? (4 replies)
  124. Baby Rescued from Spanish Fork River (0 replies)
  125. What ISIS Really Wants (2 replies)
  126. VA Restrcturing Effort (0 replies)
  127. Assisted suicide is legal in Canada (3 replies)
  128. Couple raise child as 'gender neutral' to avoid stereotyping (3 replies)
  129. UNICEF India - Take The Poo To The Loo (2 replies)
  130. Mark Strand (8 replies)
  131. Why does Jennifer Lawrence feel the necessity to compete with porn? (3 replies)
  132. 2014 elections (2 replies)
  133. 22 maps and charts that will surprise you (2 replies)
  134. Stop and seize (0 replies)
  135. The Official World War I Thread (1 replies)
  136. The saga of Swallow and Shurtleff and the corruption of politics (5 replies)
  137. The Border Crisis - Children as Pawns? (5 replies)
  138. Woodrow Wilson and Race (0 replies)
  139. The Third Iraq War (0 replies)
  140. Obama Agonistes (13 replies)
  141. Mormon HS student shooter wanted to "kill sinners"... (7 replies)
  142. The Bergdahl Thread (6 replies)
  143. How the middle class lifestyle became unaffordable. (12 replies)
  144. Salt Lake Tribune future in Jeopardy? (1 replies)
  145. "Silicon Valley scares Americans:" Does It? (0 replies)
  146. Nate Silver and FiveThirtyEigth (2 replies)
  147. Governor's State of Sport Awards (0 replies)
  148. Unrest in Ukraine (1 replies)
  149. Dealing with narcotics offenders (37 replies)
  150. "After-Birth Abortion" The pro-choice case for infanticide. (16 replies)
  151. Countmyvoteutah.org (9 replies)
  152. Let's fix the economy (4 replies)
  153. The Joe Biden Thread (18 replies)
  154. anybody else finding it amusing and a little shocking about how unprepared cities (62 replies)
  155. Tiger Mom’s claim that cultures blessed with ‘triple package’ get ahead in America sp (2 replies)
  156. Isaac Asimov's Predictions About 2014 Are Eerily Accurate (1 replies)
  157. The Flawed Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) (3 replies)
  158. Lincoln and Slavery (0 replies)
  159. Earthrise: Apollo 8 (0 replies)
  160. Can the F-35 Dogfight? (4 replies)
  161. Nelson Mandela has died. (13 replies)
  162. Bomb threat at West Hills Middle School in West Jordan (2 replies)
  163. Alleged Duke Lacrosse victim convicted of 2nd degree murder... (1 replies)
  164. My Plea to the GOP (5 replies)
  165. Listening to Christie Speech (2 replies)
  166. Anti-rape underwear is actually a thing — and not necessarily a bad one (0 replies)
  167. America’s Mood Map: An Interactive Guide to the United States of Attitude Read more: (0 replies)
  168. The Boy Scouts of America. Molesting children and destroying national parks. (1 replies)
  169. Happy Bartolomé Day or Why Columbus Was a Wretched Evil Man (9 replies)
  170. Stay At Home Mom's (3 replies)
  171. Link to help my friend Dave. (0 replies)
  172. Main Street vs Wall Street (14 replies)
  173. Any given Sunday... (1 replies)
  174. The Syrian Crisis Thread (40 replies)
  175. Help Kickstart World War III ! (1 replies)
  176. What is "Liberal"? What is "Conservative"? (2 replies)
  177. Was Mitt Romney Right About Everything? (159 replies)
  178. MLK's Dream Speech is 50 today (5 replies)
  179. On the Phenomenon of Bull$#+ Jobs (2 replies)
  180. Human brain-to-brain control (1 replies)
  181. Political discourse, the presidency, and circus clowns (3 replies)
  182. Phony scandals (1 replies)
  183. California (23 replies)
  184. Norm Ornstein article in the National Journal (1 replies)
  185. How Do You Fix Our Country? (15 replies)
  186. Zimmerman verdict (49 replies)
  187. A thread highlighting waste in the military industrial complex (6 replies)
  188. Faces of the Revolutionary War (2 replies)
  189. Airline crash landing at SF airport... (3 replies)
  190. Morsi ousted by military in Egypt... (3 replies)
  191. Zimmerman trial (0 replies)
  192. The Berlin Airlift (1 replies)
  193. "Hypocrite of the Century" (6 replies)
  194. Comic relief: students and parents in China riot against teachers fighting cheating (0 replies)
  195. "The Problem Within Islam" (1 replies)
  196. Drones and the 2nd Amendment (9 replies)
  197. The right wing paranoia thread. (90 replies)
  198. US State Department troubles... (2 replies)
  199. Commute Times (11 replies)
  200. With the news that the NSA is gathering data from Verizon... (144 replies)
  201. D-Day Anniversary Today (2 replies)
  202. Train derailed in Baltimore... (1 replies)
  203. Make your SCOTUS predictions here! (26 replies)
  204. The DHS (3 replies)
  205. I hope this category has more thoughtful messages than you find on UTEFANS (4 replies)
  206. Thanks to all who have served (5 replies)
  207. BSA first says it will now allow gay scouts, but not gay leaders; but now leaders too (54 replies)
  208. What is Racism? (10 replies)
  209. Oklahoma Tornados (9 replies)
  210. A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries (14 replies)
  211. The Global Energy Thread (2 replies)
  212. Benghazi (0 replies)
  213. The World War II Thread (41 replies)
  214. IRS Targeting of Conservative Groups for Scrutiny (88 replies)
  215. The Cleveland Hostages (3 replies)
  216. Guns and HR (1 replies)
  217. Dr. Martin Fleischmann passes away (0 replies)
  218. Plasma (0 replies)
  219. "I will not rest until more people have jobs...." (22 replies)
  220. Syria's Civil Strife (1 replies)
  221. What is terror? (2 replies)
  222. Who Mitt could have been. (4 replies)
  223. Are the two subjects in the Boston Marathon bombing Middle Eastern? (4 replies)
  224. Get Yamamoto (3 replies)
  225. "The Bible got this one right" (0 replies)
  226. Explosions at the Boston Marathon... (135 replies)
  227. The Official Civil War Thread (94 replies)
  228. The political cartoon, GIF, and YouTube thread (3 replies)
  229. "Usuable Past" (0 replies)
  230. The Higher Education Thread (291 replies)
  231. What is up with North Korea? (15 replies)
  232. Female Soldiers in Infantry positions (3 replies)
  233. The Naked Communist 50 years later. (4 replies)
  234. What class categories do you fit in? (23 replies)
  235. Great Quotes (12 replies)
  236. Bitcoins. Bubble or newest currency? Your thoughts? (20 replies)
  237. Jew In The Box (0 replies)
  238. 32 years ago today... (8 replies)
  239. Leading atheist branded a ‘heretic’ for daring to question Darwinism (42 replies)
  240. Drone Wars (0 replies)
  241. For the Hill AFB Employees of the Board (2 replies)
  242. How to stick it to "The Man" or ... (0 replies)
  243. Barack Obama = Satan? (7 replies)
  244. How to Make GarthUte Have a Rage Stroke (2 replies)
  245. Size 6 - 10 female mannequins (2 replies)
  246. Cyprus (7 replies)
  247. The Pope Francis Thread: The Italians Picked an American Pope with Italian Parents (18 replies)
  248. "American Fleet Nearly Destroyed!" and Other Mistaken First Reports (3 replies)
  249. Korean War Remembered -- Why it Still Matters (1 replies)
  250. Soda ban struck down... (23 replies)