View Full Version : The Hinckley Institute
- BOOM!!!! First Political Thread: Sad State of the Media Today
- The Bear and the Bull, Financial Markets thread
- Chinese PLA hacker group
- Are bank profits are taxpayer funded?
- Sequestration will actually happen
- The health care debate thread.
- Kasserine Pass
- The Utah Liquor Law Mess
- Happy Sequestration Day!
- Printable guns ... New and Improved Printable Gun Spew Hundreds of Bullets
- Eat, Drink, and Be Merry for tomorrow Obama will save us
- Guns rights vs Parental rights
- Dennis Rodman about Kim Jong Un -- "I love him... the guy is awesome"
- Battle of the Bismarck Sea
- Post your predictions on the next financial bubble to burst...
- Hugo Chávez ya no es presidente de Venezuela
- The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking
- Go Rand!
- Soda ban struck down...
- Korean War Remembered -- Why it Still Matters
- "American Fleet Nearly Destroyed!" and Other Mistaken First Reports
- The Pope Francis Thread: The Italians Picked an American Pope with Italian Parents
- Cyprus
- Size 6 - 10 female mannequins
- How to Make GarthUte Have a Rage Stroke
- Barack Obama = Satan?
- How to stick it to "The Man" or ...
- For the Hill AFB Employees of the Board
- Drone Wars
- Leading atheist branded a ‘heretic’ for daring to question Darwinism
- 32 years ago today...
- Jew In The Box
- Bitcoins. Bubble or newest currency? Your thoughts?
- Great Quotes
- What class categories do you fit in?
- The Naked Communist 50 years later.
- Female Soldiers in Infantry positions
- What is up with North Korea?
- The Higher Education Thread
- "Usuable Past"
- The political cartoon, GIF, and YouTube thread
- The Official Civil War Thread
- Explosions at the Boston Marathon...
- "The Bible got this one right"
- Get Yamamoto
- Are the two subjects in the Boston Marathon bombing Middle Eastern?
- Who Mitt could have been.
- What is terror?
- Syria's Civil Strife
- "I will not rest until more people have jobs...."
- Plasma
- Dr. Martin Fleischmann passes away
- Guns and HR
- The Cleveland Hostages
- IRS Targeting of Conservative Groups for Scrutiny
- The World War II Thread
- Benghazi
- The Global Energy Thread
- A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries
- Oklahoma Tornados
- What is Racism?
- BSA first says it will now allow gay scouts, but not gay leaders; but now leaders too
- Thanks to all who have served
- I hope this category has more thoughtful messages than you find on UTEFANS
- The DHS
- Make your SCOTUS predictions here!
- Train derailed in Baltimore...
- D-Day Anniversary Today
- With the news that the NSA is gathering data from Verizon...
- Commute Times
- US State Department troubles...
- The right wing paranoia thread.
- Drones and the 2nd Amendment
- "The Problem Within Islam"
- Comic relief: students and parents in China riot against teachers fighting cheating
- "Hypocrite of the Century"
- The Berlin Airlift
- Zimmerman trial
- Morsi ousted by military in Egypt...
- Airline crash landing at SF airport...
- Faces of the Revolutionary War
- A thread highlighting waste in the military industrial complex
- Zimmerman verdict
- How Do You Fix Our Country?
- Norm Ornstein article in the National Journal
- California
- Phony scandals
- Political discourse, the presidency, and circus clowns
- Human brain-to-brain control
- On the Phenomenon of Bull$#+ Jobs
- MLK's Dream Speech is 50 today
- Was Mitt Romney Right About Everything?
- What is "Liberal"? What is "Conservative"?
- Help Kickstart World War III !
- The Syrian Crisis Thread
- Any given Sunday...
- Main Street vs Wall Street
- Link to help my friend Dave.
- Stay At Home Mom's
- Happy Bartolomé Day or Why Columbus Was a Wretched Evil Man
- The Boy Scouts of America. Molesting children and destroying national parks.
- America’s Mood Map: An Interactive Guide to the United States of Attitude Read more:
- Anti-rape underwear is actually a thing — and not necessarily a bad one
- Listening to Christie Speech
- My Plea to the GOP
- Alleged Duke Lacrosse victim convicted of 2nd degree murder...
- Bomb threat at West Hills Middle School in West Jordan
- Nelson Mandela has died.
- Can the F-35 Dogfight?
- Earthrise: Apollo 8
- Lincoln and Slavery
- The Flawed Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)
- Isaac Asimov's Predictions About 2014 Are Eerily Accurate
- Tiger Mom’s claim that cultures blessed with ‘triple package’ get ahead in America sp
- anybody else finding it amusing and a little shocking about how unprepared cities
- The Joe Biden Thread
- Let's fix the economy
- "After-Birth Abortion" The pro-choice case for infanticide.
- Dealing with narcotics offenders
- Unrest in Ukraine
- Governor's State of Sport Awards
- Nate Silver and FiveThirtyEigth
- "Silicon Valley scares Americans:" Does It?
- Salt Lake Tribune future in Jeopardy?
- How the middle class lifestyle became unaffordable.
- The Bergdahl Thread
- Mormon HS student shooter wanted to "kill sinners"...
- Obama Agonistes
- The Third Iraq War
- Woodrow Wilson and Race
- The Border Crisis - Children as Pawns?
- The saga of Swallow and Shurtleff and the corruption of politics
- The Official World War I Thread
- Stop and seize
- 22 maps and charts that will surprise you
- 2014 elections
- Why does Jennifer Lawrence feel the necessity to compete with porn?
- Mark Strand
- UNICEF India - Take The Poo To The Loo
- Couple raise child as 'gender neutral' to avoid stereotyping
- Assisted suicide is legal in Canada
- VA Restrcturing Effort
- What ISIS Really Wants
- Baby Rescued from Spanish Fork River
- Religious expression defending itself with a shield or attacking with a sword?
- CEO to Pay All of His Employees at Least $70,000 a Year
- Charm City Lacking in Charm - The Baltimore Riots Thread
- Why do men still exist
- The role of the LDS Church in Utah politics
- John Nash died yesterday
- So what does Utah do when the federal government decriminalizes marijuana?
- New F-35 waxed by old F-16 in test flight.
- The official Donald Trump thread
- Privilege makes them do it — what a study of Internet trolls reveals
- Planned Parenthood and Fetal Body Parts
- Some nervous Texans are stockpiling ammo, hiding weapons ‘just in case’ as Jade Helm
- How railroads, highways and other man-made lines racially divide America’s cities
- Did some looking into the record after a conversation with a co-worker
- 2016 Presidential Election
- "Taking Crenshaw out of the Kid"
- The new prison
- A different modesty meme ...
- Official: 2 U.S. Marines stop Islamist attacker on train in France
- What to do about Iran?
- #CoverTheAthlete
- An Open Mind
- What to do About ISIS?
- What to do about political correctness
- Never Change North Carolina...
- An officer down in my neighborhood
- BYU facing discrimination accusations
- National Economics: Keynes or Hayek? Or something else?
- When Mormons weren't White
- The official "Good bye Justice Scalia, hello chaos" thread
- The encryption debate
- Shame on you, Steve M.
- Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill
- The Salt Lake Tribune
- Which bathroom should I use?
- So, If You Think Utah is Bad, Check out Alabama
- A Better War: Creighton Abrams and Vietnam
- The Conversation About War and Our Veterans We Refuse to Have
- The Coming of the Third Reich: A 'Revolution of Destruction'
- The History of Urbanization, 3700 BC - 2000 AD
- What to do about China?
- Police shooting in Baltimore
- The ultimate limousine liberal
- This is scary
- The double-edged sword of technology - and how do we adjust, as a society
- Justice Department announces it will no longer use private prisons
- Political worldviews - how they differ, evolve, embody our own worldviews, etc
- Utah state elections thread
- Someone convince me how, over 50 or 100 years, mankind avoids major nuclear war.
- Fidel Castro Is Dead
- God Speed John Glenn
- A test at age 3 can predict whether children ...
- Millennials in the Workplace
- Changes to Homeless Shelters in SLC
- The Fallen of World War II
- Commuting Chelsea Manning's Sentence
- Utes at Inauguration. Could it be someone we know?
- Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court Nomination
- I am a member of the intellectual, liberal elite – it's time ...
- Hill AFB F-35A Lightnings at Rd Flag 17-01
- Orange Defends the Crown: Trump Executive Order Thread
- Celebrities and Politics
- Mr. Chaffetz' Wild Ride
- Harvard Launches Free Online Class To Promote Religious Literacy
- Utah politicians do the darnedest things
- Climate Change
- Portraits of Courage: A Former President's Paintings of Wounded Warriors
- North Korea
- How Utah (the state) Thrives
- The Case For Renewable Energy
- US Privacy Laws
- US airstrikes in Syria
- Campus Social Justice Warriors
- News media bias
- Global Warming
- The Handmaid's Tale is just like Trump's America? Not so fast
- Russians outfoxed by the ... French!?
- Coral Sea: 75th of the First Carrier Battle
- Art and Politics
- Mattis Talks Strategy with the Senate Armed Services Committee
- Dealing with domestic terrorism
- Massive RNC voter data leak
- "Today’s tech oligarchs are worse than the robber barons"
- When will the market crash: 2017 edition
- What About North Korea?
- White Privilege
- Solar Eclipse
- Campus Title IX Investigations.
- Really bad political ads
- Questioning our Assumptions
- Hypocrisy and misbehavior among our elites
- Technology in politics
- George W. Bush Tackles Trumpism Without Mentioning Trump
- Gold Star Families
- The Russia Dossier
- Life in the Trump Era, Part 2
- Roy Moore and Alabama
- Political cartoons
- GOP tax cuts & young families on the endangered species list
- The Pervalanche Thread (including the Jeff Epstein debacle)
- The 10 year cyber war
- Goodbye Orrin Hatch
- Romney for Senate: Will Utah elect the anti-Trump?
- Afghanistan
- Elementary, my dear Watkins. Utah's new President
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