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About LA Ute

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About LA Ute
A California Ute since 1982, I'm as hard-core a fan as they come. Both my B.A. and J.D. are from Utah and I love the U of U. My wife, my two sons, and my daughter are died-in-the-wool Utes too.
Los Angeles, California
Following the Utes, cheering for the Red Sox, reading Charles Dickens
Healthcare attorney (but hardly anyone knows what that means)


"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold."

“True, we [lawyers] build no bridges. We raise no towers. We construct no engines. We paint no pictures - unless as amateurs for our own principal amusement. There is little of all that we do which the eye of man can see. But we smooth out difficulties; we relieve stress; we correct mistakes; we take up other men's burdens and by our efforts we make possible the peaceful life of men in a peaceful state.”

--John W. Davis, founder of Davis Polk & Wardwell


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02-08-2024 01:40 PM
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25 Friends

  1. Coastal Ute Coastal Ute is offline


    Coastal Ute
  2. Diehard Ute Diehard Ute is offline


    Diehard Ute
  3. DrumNFeather DrumNFeather is offline

    Super Moderator

  4. DU Ute DU Ute is offline

    Super Moderator

    DU Ute
  5. Expat Expat is offline

    Too old to care...

  6. Freaky Girl Freaky Girl is offline

    Forward, never straight

    Freaky Girl
  7. GarthUte GarthUte is offline

    Testosteronus Ignoranti

  8. Hot Lunch Hot Lunch is offline

    Senior Member

    Hot Lunch
  9. Jarid in Cedar Jarid in Cedar is offline


    Jarid in Cedar
  10. Mormon Red Death Mormon Red Death is offline

    Super Moderator

    Mormon Red Death
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