I've gone back and forth on RES expansion, but I've largely remained in the middle from an emotion standpoint. If we can expand it, great. If there are reasons not to, that's OK too. (I think everyone is on board with doing something about the SEZ.)

I am vaguely familiar with our efforts in luxury seating and group sales, and to me, that's where the real money is at. It's not in adding 20,000 more mediocre seats.

I would also ask myself how the U. stacks up with the Jazz in this matter. We're going to have to see real growth here from local companies -- if we had the alumni base for such growth, we would have seen it already. I'm afraid we're not getting close to maxing out our potential in this regard.

I will say this -- the pro-expansion people have consistently been on the wrong side in their attempts at justifying their argument. They're not asking the right questions, they defend their positions with generalities while appealing to emotion, rather than common sense, and they refuse to look at both sides of the coin. With the anti-expansion group, at least their arguments are more thought out.