I figured I'd get this started after a great day in Wasatch powder.

We are currently at the stage where trying to get 4 kids (12,10,7,5) up to the mountain and have all of us enjoy the experience can be difficult. Usually someone isn't happy about something - skiing is too hard/easy, too tired, hungry, etc. Today was the exception to the rule even though it started poorly. We got up late, the two youngest didn't want to go, slow drive up the canyon due to traffic/snow, and my wife forgot her helmet, goggles, and pass. It takes us about an hour from our front door to get up the mountain, get everyone dressed, and get on the hill. By the time we got it all sorted out I figured the day would be a waste. Because she had to borrow some poor fitting goggles, my wife offered to take the two youngest and skied with them on stuff more to there level. The older two and I had a great day of fresh tracks and 12+ inches of new snow. When we met up for lunch all the kids were grinning saying it was the best day ever. Amazing day to be out as a family.