"’Trump torque’ is pulling on everyone in the news business, in all directions. His critics are often overheated and refuse to admit accomplishments or unprofessional hits. His defenders almost scream best-case scenarios that are ludicrous and ignore his errors, missteps and misstatements. It's harder and harder to keep this torque from twisting every single story in one direction or another.

“It shouldn't operate anywhere but especially not in the area of national security. The non-disclosure of a material fact in an application for a FISA warrant — its minimization, indeed one could argue its camouflaging — is a very big deal and its provenance should be thoroughly investigated. It threatens to undermine every warrant submitted to a FISA court.

“It's not about President Trump, or shouldn't be. It's about when American courts approve surveillance of Americans. And that's every American's concern.”

Hugh Hewitt in the WaPo.


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