Here's a good article about how right-wing media is undermining the Mueller investigation, setting up the stage for no action when the investigation is done.

Since PR, politics and media are being blended, maybe Democrats & MSNBC should begin emphasizing that Mueller is a voting Republican, as are most of the FBI, so that as the indictments start flowing, the anti-FBI PR strategy will be negated, and Trump/Hannity will be forced to pivot to portraying this as a "real conservative" vs RINO issue.

Eventually, you have to think orthodox Republicans will start to stand up for themselves. They're letting a lot of damage be done to the GOP brand. (Here in Utah, good citizens were ecstatic when Trump granted their wishes and slashed Bears Ears and Grand Staircase, then were stunned and hurt when Trump's political soulmate Bannon threw not just Romney under the bus, but Mormons and their missionary service, too... the next day.)

There's another possibility: Since Trump's 71 years old, typically eats 2 Big Macs, 2 Filet-o-Fishes and a Chocolate shake for lunch, and is opposed to exercise - because he thinks there's a finite amount of energy / heartbeats / physical activity a person can engage in - maybe he doesn't make it to the 2020 elections.

The explosive temper, getting bigger and bigger, a horrendous diet and a erroneously grounded aversion to exercise all lead to a predictable outcome.