Finished Craig Symond's

Short, just over 200 pages, but a good overview of Naval Operations during the Civil War. Dr Symonds looks at how technology affected operations as well as the lack of manufacturing capablity in the South. The South could not manufacture marine steam engines, as well as large guns and thick armor plate.

He divides operations into logical groupings - blockade by the North and the Souths response, comerece raiding, war on the rivers, the seige/blockade of Charleston SC and the final operations in '64-65

I thought it is a good companion to James McPherson's

currently reading Alex Kershaw's newest

About an officer in the 45th ID that fought with them from the landings in Sicly in July of 43 thru to the end of the war and the liberation of Dachau Concentration camp, over 500 days in combat