It is time for Lucien Greaves and the Satanic Temple to demand these bakeries make cakes that say 'Hail Satan!' or 'Jesus Is Dead!' or something similar. The bakeries strictly cannot based on religion, so they should be forced to comply. Hilarity will ensue.

Once again the old men at 50 E North Temple will show themselves to be diametrically opposed to 85% of the younger generation of people they lose sleep over leaving the church. The message is confusing, do they support lgbt rights, a la their explicit and implied support of the LoveLoud festival last month, or this?

The crazy thing is they could eliminate all of their future concerns about being forced to marry same sex couples by allowing couples to marry outside of the temple, followed by a temple sealing ceremony immediately after just as they already do every other nation. Buy here in the US they force the couple to wait 12 months, which carries an implicit shaming.

Active church-goers, does this dichotomy disturb you? I would think there is a significant amount of anti-lgbt fatigue in wards every time something like this is announced.

Jesus would bake the damn cake.