Quote Originally Posted by Ma'ake View Post
Translation: "I know some people are able to connect dots, see patterns and can make general inferences and see what's coming, but I can't. We really don't know the two trains will collide until that collision actually happens."

Might as well say "Some people scoff at the President claiming he knows more about drones and technology than anyone else, but until we get full, comprehensive evaluation of everyone in the population in a wide battery of cognitive and knowledge assessments, it's premature to think the President is erroneous in his statement."

[As for me, I'm agnostic on whether or not the Apollo program actually landed on the moon. The skeptics point out the flag wouldn't be standing horizontally like it was waiving in the breeze on the moon, and they make a really good point. On the other hand, maybe the flag is waiving from gasses released from all that cheese on the moon. So you never really know.]

An important corollary for Russiagate agnostics is that Mueller may not really have much information at all, a view that goes back to Ty Cobb saying the investigation would be wrapped up by December 2017. You just adjust your view every month and keep pointing out problems in recent revelations, ignore the growing number of indictments and guilty pleas building toward a seriously problematic mosaic, and keep declaring your agnosticism.

Boiling frog: "I see no evidence the water is a concern, but I remain open to new information".
But, my friend, you have “known” from the beginning that all allegations against Trump were true, or were just about to be proven. I can’t stand Trump, and I expect something bad to happen to him because of his misbehavior, but I’m not as convinced as you and others here are that he’s guilty guilty guilty. Whether or not someone is convinced of the allegations against Trump clearly depends on their political outlook, in almost all cases. There are exceptions on both sides of the aisle, of course. But what I have said is generally true.